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You will need to have an Nx workspace created to make use of this tool


Using Node 12+ and Nx 11+ is recommended

Install the Nx CLI globally

# npm
$ npm install --global nx
# yarn
$ yarn add --global nx
# pnpm
$ pnpm install --global nx

Create an empty Nx workspace (or use an existing one)

$ npx create-nx-workspace <org-name> --preset=empty
$ cd ./<org-name>


$ npx create-nx-workspace my-org --preset=empty
$ cd ./my-org

Installing the plugin#

While in your Nx workspace, install the Nx-Shopify plugin as a devDependency

# npm
$ npm install --save-dev @trafilea/nx-shopify
# yarn
$ yarn add --save-dev @trafilea/nx-shopify
# pnpm
$ pnpm install --save-dev @trafilea/nx-shopify

Check the plugin was successfully installed by using the nx list command:

$ nx list @trafilea/nx-shopify
> NX Capabilities in @trafilea/nx-shopify:
init : Initialize plugin
theme : Generate a new Shopify theme
layout : Generate a theme layout
template : Generate a theme template
snippet : Generate a theme snippet
section : Generate a theme section
build : Build a Shopify theme
serve : Serves a Shopify theme for local development
deploy : Deploy a Shopify theme to Shopify

Now you are ready to power-up your Shopify theme development experience!