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Build Command

Builds a theme to be uploaded to Shopify


$ nx build <theme-name> [options,...]


The build command is configured as a project target in the workspace.json file at your workspace root. By default, the target configuration should look similar to this:

"projects": {
"my-theme": {
"targets": {
"build": {
"executor": "@trafilea/nx-shopify:build",
"outputs": ["{options.outputPath}"],
"options": {
"outputPath": "dist/apps/my-theme",
"main": "apps/my-theme/src/main.ts",
"tsConfig": "apps/my-theme/",
"postcssConfig": "apps/my-theme/postcss.config.js",
"themekitConfig": "apps/my-theme/config.yml",
"sourceMap": true,
"assets": ["apps/my-theme/src/assets"]
"configurations": {
"production": {
"optimization": true,
"sourceMap": false,
"fileReplacements": [
"replace": "apps/my-theme/src/environments/environment.ts",
"with": "apps/my-theme/src/environments/"

The build target comes with a default production configuration that can be executed with:

nx build <theme-name> --configuration=production
nx build <theme-name> --c=production # same
nx build <theme-name> --prod # same, only works for the 'production' named config

You can add additional configurations that define new options or override the ones defined in the default options object.


Learn more about Nx targets configurations at the Nx website

You can also override/define options passing them as CLI arguments, these will take precedence over the workspace.json configurations.


nx build <theme-name> --prod --optimization false



Type: string

The output path of the generated files


Type: string

The main application file path


Type: string

The path to the Typescript configuration file


Type: string

The path to the themekit config.yml configuration file


Type: string

The path to the PostCSS configuration file


Type: boolean

Run build when files change


Type: number


Type: boolean

Use a separate bundle containing only vendor libraries. (default: true)


Type: boolean

Use a separate bundle containing code used across multiple bundles. (default: true)


Type: boolean

Use a separate bundle containing the runtime. (default: true)


Type: boolean

Produce source maps (default: true)


Type: string

Configure webpack output hashing (default: none)



Type: boolean

Log progress to the console while building


Type: Array<string or AssetPattern>

List of static theme assets (default: [])

interface AssetPattern {
// The pattern to match.
glob: string;
//The input directory path in which to apply 'glob'. Defaults to the project root.
input: string;
// An array of globs to ignore.
ignore: Array<string>;
//Absolute path within the output.
output: string;


Type: boolean

Analyze the generated bundle and open webpack-bundle-analyzer in the browser


Type: boolean

Generates a 'stats.json' file which can be analyzed using tools such as: #webpack-bundle-analyzer' or


Type: boolean

Emits verbose output


Type: boolean

Extract all licenses in a separate file, in the case of production builds only.


Type: boolean

Defines the optimization level of the build.


Type: boolean

Show circular dependency warnings on builds. (default: true)


Type: number

Memory limit for type checking service process in MB. (defaults to 2048)


Type: Array<FileReplacementPattern>

Replace files with other files in the build. (default: [])

interface FileReplacementPattern {
// File to replace its content.
replace: string;
// File with the new content
with: string;


Type: string

Path to a function which takes a webpack config, context and returns the resulting webpack config. See Extend Webpack Configuration to learn more.