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Serve Command

Serves a theme for local development. Creates a local assets server and proxies the theme preview using a BrowserSync instance.


$ nx serve <theme-name> [options,...]


The serve command is configured as a project target in the workspace.json file at your workspace root. By default, the target configuration should look similar to this:

"projects": {
"my-theme": {
"targets": {
"serve": {
"executor": "@trafilea/nx-shopify:serve",
"options": { "buildTarget": "my-theme:build" },
"configurations": {
"production": {
"buildTarget": "my-theme:build:production",
"themekitEnv": "production"

The serve target comes with a default production configuration that can be executed with:

nx serve <theme-name> --configuration=production
nx serve <theme-name> --c=production # same
nx serve <theme-name> --prod # same, only works for the 'production' named config

You can add additional configurations that define new options or override the ones defined in the default options object.


Learn more about Nx targets configurations at the Nx website

You can also override/define options passing them as CLI arguments, these will take precedence over the workspace.json configurations.


nx serve <theme-name> --prod --themekitEnv staging



Type: string

Name of the target to be used in the theme build process.


Type: boolean

Analyze the generated bundle and open webpack-bundle-analyzer in the browser


Type: string

Name of the themekit config.yml environment to be used in the deployment (default: development)


Type: boolean

Enables making changes to the Shopify Live Theme


Type: boolean

Open theme preview in the broswer when the deployment is done.


Type: boolean

Tell if the first deploy should be skipped.


Type: string

Set the local web server ip address. Valid values are: private (default), public, "interface name", "ip v4/6 address" (default: private)


Type: string

Path to the proxy configuration file to be used