KSS Style Guide

1 #permalink Style

The Style section is focused on a minimalist use of simple elements, typography and flat colors. This allows the design to be more streamlined and efficient. Making it easier to convey information while still looking visually appealing and approachable. With minimal design, elements are able to load faster and resize easily and still look sharp on high-definition screens. Additionally, elements can be responsive to different browsers across different devices.

Source: scss/_variables.scss, line 1

1.1 #permalink Color palette

Here you will find the main user interface color palette for the out of the box theme. Shades of orange, green, white and grey are used for backgrounds, boders, buttons and text all along the application.

Source: scss/variables/_colors.scss, line 1

1.1.2 #permalink Primary Color

The Primary Color is used for primary actions and highlighted information.

  • $primary #F7A08B
Source: scss/variables/_colors.scss, line 8

1.1.3 #permalink Secondary Color

The Secondary Color is used for secondary actions. Different shades of this color are used for theme backgrounds, borders and text.

  • $secondary #3A3A3A
Source: scss/variables/_colors.scss, line 18

1.1.4 #permalink Neutral shades

The neutral shade palette is a scale from 1000 (dark) to 0 (light). This theme defines a couple of medium scale values. The developer might find useful to add more intermetiate colors within the scale that might be referenced to this scale. Bootstrap doc reference

  • $gray-100 #F7F7F7
  • $gray-200 #E5E5E5
  • $gray-300 #BBBBBB
  • $gray-400 #818181
  • $gray-500 #3A3A3A
  • $gray-600 #1B1919
Source: scss/variables/_colors.scss, line 28

1.1.5 #permalink Brand Theme Palette

The following color palette defines those colors that are used across different contexts.

  • $theme-palette-cream #FAF7F2
  • $theme-palette-eggs #FFE1B8
  • $theme-palette-sand #E7C9B2
  • $theme-palette-sand-light #F7ECE4
  • $theme-palette-aloe #B1D7C3
  • $theme-palette-sky #A1C9CC
  • $theme-palette-mint #5EAD9B
  • $theme-palette-pink #FBC9BC
  • $theme-palette-rose #F5BAB0
  • $theme-palette-shaperpink #F7A08B
  • $theme-palette-shaperblack #3A3A3A
Source: scss/variables/_colors.scss, line 50

1.1.6 #permalink Customized Bootstrap Color Palette

In addition to the Brand Theme Palette, the following colors are used only in the theme context. These colors are defined based on Bootstrap Theme Colors variables: Bootstrap doc reference

  • $pink #FBC9BC
  • $red #8E2D2D
  • $orange #EF6C00
  • $yellow #F2D96F
  • $green #5EAD9B
  • $cyan #A6DDD4
  • $white #FFFFFF
Source: scss/variables/_colors.scss, line 80

1.1.7 #permalink Messaging Theme Palette

  • $success #5EAD9B
  • $info #FBC9BC
  • $warning #FFE1B8
  • $danger #D3373C
Source: scss/variables/_colors.scss, line 103
Source: scss/variables/_typography.scss, line 1

1.2.2 #permalink Font family variables

Font families are not loaded from the Component Library since different themes probably use different fonts. So, these variables are setted with a default value but they must be overridden in the Theme source code.

$font-family-primary: 'Avenir Next LT Pro', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif
$font-family-secondary: 'Avenir Next LT Pro Demi', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif
$font-family-tertiary: 'Noto Serif JP', Arial, Helvetica, serif

Source: scss/variables/_typography.scss, line 5

1.2.3 #permalink Font size variables

$font-size-base: 1rem
$font-size-lg: $font-size-base * 1.25
$font-size-sm: $font-size-base * .875

Source: scss/variables/_typography.scss, line 19

1.3 #permalink Spacing scale

Use the spacing scale when building individual components. It includes small increments needed to create appropriate spatial relationships for detail-level designs. Spacing levels are built from a default Sass map ranging from .25rem to 3rem.

$spacing-01: 2px;
$spacing-02: 4px;
$spacing-03: 8px;
$spacing-04: 12px;
$spacing-05: 16px
$spacing-06: 24px;
$spacing-07: 32px;
$spacing-08: 40px;
$spacing-09: 48px;

Source: scss/variables/_spacing.scss, line 1